Writings on...

What is Metaphysical Fantasy?
Here’s a definition of Metaphysical Fiction by Tahlia Newland:
“Metaphysical fiction is a growing, but little-known, genre of stories that explore, or are based on, some form of philosophy or system of thought. Such fiction includes some aspect of the inner, incorporeal, supernatural, spiritual, archetypal or transcendent aspects of human experience and may emphasise an individual’s movement towards self-actualisation. Readers may gain insight into, or be stimulated to reflect on, such things as the nature of existence, the mind, the soul, the psyche, psychology, the spiritual journey and so on.
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse is an excellent example of the genre.
A modern example is The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.” (by Dan Millman)
Another term for Metaphysical Fiction is Visionary Fiction:
“Visionary Fiction embraces spiritual and esoteric wisdom, often from ancient sources, and makes it relevant for our modern life. These gems of wisdom are brought forth in story form and in a way that readers can experience the wisdom from within themselves. It emphasizes the future and envisions humanity’s transition into evolved consciousness.” ( from The Visionary Fiction Alliance)
When I had finished writing The Six Knowings of ASAIRA, I had no clue as to what genre it was. It was definitely a fantasy with its magical elements and fictional realms.
After some investigation, I could see that ASAIRA was undoubtedly a mix of metaphysical and visionary fiction with fantastical and magical elements:
There is a spiritual journey that Aileen embarks on, taking the Storyteller and the Reader with her.
All three explore the nature of existence through different past lives and ancient sources and archetypes, giving the Reader the chance to experience the wisdoms themself.
Yes, ASAIRA shows us who we really are, letting us envision the possibility of transcendental consciousness.
In the end, I opted for “Metaphysical Fantasy” as the genre name that could give some clarity for The Six Knowings of ASAIRA.
(Find out below why I write poetry and metaphysical fantasy.)

Why do I write Poetry and Metaphysical Fantasy?
This is a question that only the Heart can answer.
For it is the Heart that decided to express itself the only way it could and it started with poetry.... though, I would never have dared to call it poetry. It was just what the Heart was feeling, seeing, realising... No intention to write a poem at all, Just a journal and letting whatever wanted to come, to come. Words on a page. It was magical to see what appeared.
One day I realised these sets of words could be called poetry, and I began my poetry blog. That was quite a few years ago now.... It was originally called Follow the Heart- Sigue el Corazón. I was living in Spain then, and so I wrote poems sometimes in English, sometimes in Spanish. Usually, when I posted on the blog, the poem would always be in the two languages. My mother being Spanish, and my having lived in Spain since I was 18, brought Spanish as close and intimately as English to the Heart.
When I emigrated to Canada in 2010, English gradually came to the forefront and the poetry blog transformed into The Word Made Alquimia. Yet, nothing radical changed; the Heart continued to express itself in very simple phrases, hardly edited, short, sincere, written fast as the inspiration spiralled in, "Write it down, Carmy, write it down...!" And that's what I do!
Metaphysical Fantasy (see What is Metaphysical Fantasy? above and why I chose this genre name) is similar to the poetry in that it points to what the Heart is saying, This time it's the narrative, the story that embeds the expression of the Heart. I started to write short stories that had magical elements, but pointing to insights and knowings that were coming from having embarked on a profound inner journey.
Both the poetry and the stories, and everything I seem to write, herald this Truth that I have come to see and experience, and also the struggles of the mind trying to comprehend the incomprehensible!
One of these short stories became The Six Knowings of ASAIRA, interweaving all the Heart's loves: the poetry, the illustrating, the magic and fantasy, the search for the Divine and who we really are.